Streamed live on Oct 9, 2015
Pam Hook, Barbara Cavanagh, Marianne Malmstrom and Russell Burt, moderated by Derek Wenmoth.
"What will it mean to be educated in 2050?"
Recorded at CORE ULearn15 in Auckland.
Auckland, NZ
Spotlight: “Creating Space for Student-Driven Learning”
Panel: "What will it mean to be educated in 2050?" with Pam Hook, Barbara Cavanagh, Russell Burt and moderated by Derek Wenmoth
Workshop: “Constructivist Games for Student-Driven Learning”
Permission to Play Workshop: “Minecraft: Constructivist Game for Student-Driven Learning”
Games in Education Sumposium
Albany, New York
“Games4Ed Initiative” with Mitch Weisburgh, Steve Isaacs
Serious Play Conference
Pittsburgh, Pensylvania
“Play to Pedagogy: How Game Play and Learning Interact”
“Games4Ed Initiative” with Mitch Weisburgh, Steve Isaacs, Michelle King
ISTE Conference
Philadelphia, Pensylvania
"Minecraft: Learning Blocks 3.0"
Panel: Moderated by: Lisa Castaneda “Breaking Down the Classroom Walls: Creating Space for Student-Driven Learning” with Steve Isaacs and Mark Suter
Workshop: “Minecraft: Mining the Learning, Crafting Meaning”
Griffith University, Serious Play Symposium
Brisbane, Australia
Keynote: “Follow the Learning”
QSITE: Getting Playful
Sippy Downs, Australia
Featured Speaker: "Fillow the Learning"
Mac ICT: Epic Learning
Sydney, Australia
Featured Speaker: "Fillow the Learning"
#edchatNZ Unconference
Auckland, New Zealand
“Follow the Learning”
Serious Play Conference
Los Angeles, California
Students as Game Developers” with Damon Hernandez
“Minecraft: Learning Blocks!”
ISTE Conference
Atlanta, Georgia
“Learning Blocks 2.0”
Workshop: “Minecraft: Mining the Learning, Crafting Meaning”
edWeb Webinar
"There was real world applications for the content covered in this breakout. I am really excited to bring this into my class."
"Well planned. Issues with execution simply around the internet which was not the presenter's fault. She managed to pull an excellent alternate method out of her hat until the tech people fixed things."
"Presenters did a fantastic job of helping break down the fear. Great examples were given and enthusiastic on sending this back to my district to implement."
"Great session that gave me an understanding of minecraft and how it relates to the field of education. I have read many articles and listened to other lectures, but this one connected all the dots!"